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This website contains community made redraws of LoadingArtist Comics of the past 10 years.

Happy 33/43rd Birthday

The Community

This years birthday surprise is gaming themed! :loadJ: We created an interactive map with drawings about some games Gregor has played and some other eastereggs. :loadLurk:

Huge thanks to Everesce for the idea and the beautiful map painting! :loadWow:

Happy 32/42nd Birthday

The Community

This year we came together again and created a magazine with our favorite quotes from Gregor! :loadJ:

Special thanks for Kittyrules for the idea with the quotes and Li (from Exocomics) for the idea with “The New Gregor” and creating the beautiful cover above! :loadLove:

Loaded Artists Celebrate

The Community

Congratulations on TEN whole years of making LoadingArtist comics. You may be thinking, “Hey, wasn’t my ten-year anniversary like a month ago?” but we thought, what’s a better way to properly honour you than to reflect your lack of punctuality. I mean, we could’ve honoured you by reflecting on your other trait and just not have done anything, but we felt this was nicer.

To honour TEN whole years of Loading Artist, we’ve brought the community together once again to make a small tribute to your vast collection of comics. Everyone took their favourite comic or panel and redrew it in their own style. It’s like a sort of Loading Artist multiverse, where the artists have some talent. All jokes aside, we are obviously greatly appreciative of the work you have done over the past decade, through your thirties and forties, giving us unexpected punchlines, drawing stunning art, and making us laugh.

Even though you haven’t streamed through the entire ten years, your streams have also been a massive positive force on everyone here. From your goofy hijinks to your endless tips and advice for how to be a better artist. You entertain and inspire an entire community.

HD Version with names | Hatguys Overview

Here’s to another ten years. Cheers! :loadWow:

<3 Loading Artist Community

Happy 31/41st Birthday

The Community

Instead of Gregor drawing birthday cakes for us, the community got together in secret :loadLurk: and drew the biggest birthday cake in LoadingArtist history! :loadWow:

Special thanks to Camjocotem for the idea and to Li (from Exocomics) for organizing everything and combining everything into one big image! :loadLove:

And MarcMansfield also created an incredible birthday video! :loadJ:

And here is the reaction from Gregor when he first saw the cake :loadWow: